We are committed to being great stewards of our community’s health and well-being, and we’re taking purposeful measures to curb the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and other contagious illnesses. In For Our Health learn more about CrossFunction’s safe office solutions for a new era.

The CrossFunction Team

J. Trent Stoner Principal

A visionary leader experienced with big brands, like Bridgestone, big events, and high-volume, multi-unit operations. Born, raised and graduated a Hoosier, Trent moonlights as a husband, dad, and fan of Bird, Jagger and Warren Miller.

Christine Lon Operations Manager

Christine is a highly skilled project manager and sales professional who’s experience spans real estate, direct marketing, retail and her own business. The Land of 10,000 Laker’s life passions include travel, the outdoors, food, Golden Gopher Football and her party of five.

Advisory Board

T. Trent Gegax, Chair
Ned Aguilar
Mary Battiste
Parinda Choksi
Tim Doyle
Bonnie Hanson
Greg Horejs
Mark Odier
Sylvia Reyna
Blerina Valikaj-Stringer

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